Colour Analysis


Colour Analysis

Find Your Signature Palette

Do you know what colours looks good on you? 

Do you shy away from colour as you are not sure which suit you so stick to dark colours, ending up with a wardrobe full of black?

Colour is an amazing tool, when you understand how it can instantly compliment your natural colouring, giving you instant glow, which will make you look and feel healthier and brighter.

 We will use the Use the four-season colour system which covers Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. At the end of our session, you will know which colours are your best colours.

1 hour Session - £90

What you can expect from the session

Booking Information

Once booked onto one of my styling services, you will be sent a Client Assessment Questionnaire followed up with a telephone consultation where we will discuss your brief in more detail. This will enable me to find out more about you, including body shape, current go to style, and lifestyle. This will allow us to use the time we have together more effectively.

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